I’m sorry, I love taking advantage of technology and new media as much as the next guy, but to allow MySpace to “cast ballots” to the 2008 election and call it a Primary is just plain wrong. As Mike Arrington, the infamous blogger of TechCrunch, points out – numerous members hold fake accounts and multiple accounts on a site based on trying to have more friends than your real friends.

I’m afraid that the outcome of this “primary” could have some impact on actual votes. It’s too easy to “fix” the outcome of this, let’s say having someone’s entire campaign staff holding multiple usernames ends up voting multiple times. Might give some incorrect findings.

It’s great to energize the slow to act population of young voters, but come on. Has the MySpace Impact had any impact so far? Will this bring new interest to the young voter population? Will third parties be represented, right now the focus has only been on the big dogs – Clinton, Obama? I’ll guess we’ll just have to wait and see.