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And no, I’m not talking about Hillary Clinton…I’m talking about John Edwards!!!

March is women’s history month, so Hillary wants to make sure that women’s work is valued, with fair pay.


At the beginning of the 21rst Century, women still make significantly less than their male counterparts. White women, who work fulltime, earn 77 cents less than men; 67 cents less for African American Women, and 56 cents for Latina!


Hillary is introducing a new bill called the “Paycheck fairness act”:

1)      Offers women meaningful remedies for pay discrimination by toughening the penalties for violating the equal pay act.

2)      Makes sure our government enforces equal pay laws in our own federal contracts.  Millions of women are employed through federal contracts. She feels that the government should at least be a model for the private sector.

3)      Prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who share salary information.  Now, if a woman wants to know what her male coworker’s salary is, she can get fired!  That will be illegal under this bill.

4)      It will require the Department of Labor to continue collecting and disseminating information about women workers.  The Bush administration has stopped collecting some information about women in the workplace.


She also wants to expand family and medical leave.


She throws in a few last thoughts including this one:  “We have to make sure we stay vigilant about protecting a women’s right to choose.” 

My comments:

The most amusing part about this whole Hillcast is that Hillary Clinton throws in at the last couple seconds how she is pro choice.  I never thought that equal pay had anything to do with pro choice, but non the less, I agree with both of these issues.

I definitely find this Hillcast interesting and I totally agree that women should be getting more, if they have the same qualifications and same experience as their male counterparts.  I am actually surprised whenever I hear that women still get paid significantly less.  Maybe this is just the feminist in me, but I think this is wrong.  I am even shocked that we have not even had a women president yet.  In the words of James Brown “It’s a man’s, man’s, man’s world!”

Can I get a witness on that one?   Amen!

May 2024