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With the disappointing results in Nevada, what can Edwards do now? Edwards went to Nevada more times than any other democratic candidate (17 times, vs Barack’s 12 and Clinton’s 8 ) and still captured only 4% of the vote in Nevada.

The real test will come in Edwards’ native South Carolina on January 26th. If he doesn’t take a historic lead there, he’ll be in trouble and need to decide what to do next. So the question is – what will Edwards do next?

Although Johnny has a decent resume for the White House, is a strong speaker and has a great head of hair, he can’t seem to capture the hearts of American democrats. I think the problem is change. American democrats are craving change from Bush, and the more dramatic, the better. Edwards can same, safe. Too safe for democrats.

Edwards may have an excellent opportunity head to head against the GOP, but in the mix with Clinton and Obama, he doesn’t seem the most optimal to liberals.

The question is – what will Edwards do next?

I still think he will be in the best position to serve as VP. As VP he can truly prove himself on a national scale (something Obama and Clinton have had more of an opportunity). But what are his possibilities to be VP for?

– Clinton: Perhaps. Clinton will need to partner with a strong male politician who has a good record, who won’t overshadow her. A fresh face might be preferred, but Edwards does have that charm factor that Hillary so desperately lacks.

– Obama: This one could be interesting. As was noted earlier articles, since 1948 every successful Democratic bid included a Southern on the ticket. And, Obama particularly would most likely do best with a Southern as his running mate. Edwards and Obama seem like they could be a good pair and complete each other nicely.

– Bloomberg: Okay, the guy still claims that he’s not running but he still seems to be leaving the great state of NY quite often. While his company is dealing with layoffs, he’ll probably wait a little longer, if he was going to throw his hat in the ring. Bloomberg has the business savvy and has helped bring that business savvy to a successful run as Mayor of New York City. Edwards’ lawyer background could couple nicely with the millionaire businessman.

– McCain: In honor of the change that both parties are looking for, might it be time to have cross parties joining together for this year’s election? Unfortunately bringing the parties together is no longer feasible in this election. Although the Unity 08 movement was making a lot of traction at the beginning of the election, they recently announced that is not able to move forward further to make the necessary changes for this year’s election. But if it was possible – McCain/Edwards just might be the ticket. Although they might seem like the odd couple, they could be rather electable.

Just what we all want to hear. No, I’m being serious. I know so many people who don’t like our political system because it’s a two party system and I tell them, vote for a third party. The reason it’s set up this way is because we, the American people, haven’t casted our votes to bring a third party into play with a decent percentage of votes. But this upcoming election may change all that.

I watched McLaughlin Group this weekend and Eleanor Clift, Contributing Editor for Newsweek following the Washington, stated this,

“There will be at least one, maybe two, third-party independent candidacies next year because the two parties will settle on their nominees the first week of February. That leaves nine months until the election; lots of time for buyer’s remorse to set in.

Unity ’08 will hold a virtual convention in June of ’08, and they will come up with a bipartisan ticket, a Republican and a Democrat running together. And Mayor Bloomberg of New York is looking at an independent candidacy. He could go with Unity ’08. He could strike out on his own. He can spend half a billion dollars and not even notice it. So we’re in for more candidates than just the two major nominees.”

I think she’s right, and brings up an interesting thought that many of these candidates will rise up in a third party, and that Unity ’08 (the group of people who believe neither of the major two parties should win the next presidency) may rise for this election.

What do you think?  You think 2008 might be the year to “break the mold” and start to chip away on this country’s two party system?

May 2024