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We could all use a laugh during this election. It’s Barack, it’s Hillary, it’s another 6 weeks until Pennsylvania. With the time, we might as well laugh. Check out these videos.

Spoof on’s Barack video, this one is John.He.Is

The Onion Network’s Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early

The Barack Obama Song

Obama vs Clinton – Anything you can do, I can do better

Funny or Die’s Plea to Nader Not to Run

I really don’t have time to post much, but maybe I can at least get a few people to comment. A day or two ago, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg quit the Republican party and switched his affiliation to be an independent. So I’ll ask the obvious question: Is Michael Bloomberg setting the stage for an independent presidential run?

Senator John McCain may not know that contraceptives prevent the spread of HIV, but at least he does believe in evolution. At the Republican presidential debates last night, when moderator Chris Matthews asked if anyone did not believe in evolution, Senator Sam Brownback, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, and Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo all raised their hands. Amazing.

Hello all, and welcome to the close look at the 2008 presidential election. This year will host one of the most exciting elections in recent history, as it is the first time in the last 80 years with no incumbent! President Bush also has some of the lowest approval ratings in history, and this country is crying out for a change.

We are a group of young professionals working in various fields ranging from doctorate student, PR professional, property manager, and medical illustrator. But we have gathered together to share our thoughts on the upcoming election, by taking a close look at the candidates and the issues. Following the election from candidates throwing their hat in the ring to the debates.

We’d like to think that we’ll be able to stimulate some civil political debate and discussion, learn a thing or two about the candidates, and amuse ourselves in the process. Therefore, any comments we receive will be greatly appreciated. And if we can’t do all that, well either way I’ll be amused.


May 2024