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So long, Edwards:

So long, Guiliani:

This is pretty interesting. Giuliani’s daughter Caroline recently joined the “One Million Strong for Obama” Facebook group, when a reporter at The Slate noticed, she emailed to find out why the young Giuliani didn’t want her father to move into the White House but never heard back. And wouldn’t you know soon after that email Caroline mysteriously left the Barack group.

Luckily for the former Mayor, she’s only 17 and couldn’t vote against her own father.

Ever since the pivotal Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the GOP has been at the forefront to try to reverse this ruling. And in a country where the past few elections were based on moral values, having moral values that match that of the red is key. Since announcing his bid for candidacy Rudy Giuliani has “flip-flopped” on this issue multiple times and hasn’t stood firmly behind the pro-choice contingent.

Now he brought the Rudy back to his campaign and made a firm decision stating, “I’m very, very passionate about the issue of abortion. I oppose it. That’s a principle I’ve held forever, and I’ll hold it forever. That’s not going to change. But I also believe that in a society like ours, where people have very, very different consciences about this, it’s best to respect each others’ differences and allow for choice.”

Mitt Romney has caused some concerns for his recent switch on the issue going from a pro-choice stance to pro-life.

It will be interesting to see how much this one issue takes effect on the overall GOP nomination.

No, I am not implying that Rudy Guiliani shot somebody in the face. But I am referring to a remark that America’s mayor made to a New Hampshire crowd yesterday, where he said, more or less, that if a Democratic candidate is elected President in 2008, the United States will be at a greater risk of a terrorist attack.

Barack Obama has responded, saying in a statement that, “Rudy Giuliani today has taken the politics of fear to a new low and I believe Americans are ready to reject those kind of politics.”

Some of you may remember a similar tactic used by Dick Cheney in 2004, who said that, “If we make the wrong choice, then the danger is that we’ll get hit again — that we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.”

It’s not the remarks themselves that bother me, though I am against the use of scare tactics for purely political reasons (which I think is the case here, and I do expect better from Giuliani). I just don’t think there’s any logic that supports the argument that Giuliani (or Cheney) made.

Admittedly, I don’t wear flip flops very often, as I would much rather wear my Birkenstocks any day of the week. Flips flops are only good for me when I’m by a pool, and even then I can’t stand how many pebbles get stuck in them. Running is even worse as I always trip over them! And how are you supposed to sneak up on people when your feet are flip flopping all over the place? I have plenty of other footware, from pairs of shoes I get stuck wearing for work or when I go out to a trendy NYC bar, to a pair of sneakers every now and then. My boss likes to make fun of my Geox shoes that he thinks are really slippers (they aren’t!). I even have some workboots / hiking boots that I get to wear on rare occasions. Barefoot isn’t so bad either if I can avoid gravel and woodchips. But no matter what you say to me, I’m not sure I’ll ever find any footware as comfortable as my Birkenstocks. And no, I’m not flip flopping my stance on this issue!!!!!

Speaking of flip flops, we now have a new flip flop candidate in this years campaign. ( ). Maybe some of you knew this already, but I just found out that Rudy Giuliani used to be a Democrat! The Republican party embraced him as the Mayor of NYC, but will they do the same for the Presidency?

In defending his change of allegiance, Giuliani indicated that he was actually an Independent for a few years after he was a Democrat before he completely switched over. I guess he was only trying on one shoe at a time until he found what made him comfortable on his feet. In any case, he quoted Sir Winston Churchill in trying to explain that changing parties should be a natural transition “If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart, but if you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 40, you have no brain”. What if he realizes he was right in his younger years and decides there’s no age like your 20’s, then what does the country do?

Is he trying to tell us that it’s possible to turn from a lion with no heart to a scarecrow with no brain? Maybe we all should all get some courage, put on some ruby slippers, close our eyes and click our heals together. Oh, gosh darn it, I’ve got the courage, what about you? This offer might be too good to be true! I think my Birkenstocks have suddenly moved down to number 2!

Damn flip flops, I knew I didn’t like them!

May 2024